Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Anyone that knows me- knows that radio is my passion. I've been playing music for people since I started high school.  I've been fortunate enough to live and work in many different cities in many parts of the Country because of Radio. I'd made the decision to get out of it full time about 10 years ago so I wouldn't have to move Brian & Lyn all over the place.  If the USPS is one thing - its a stable gig. (Until recently, anyway!)  Boring - but stable.

I have been lucky enough to work with some of the best radio programming minds in the Country - from the start of my career in the early 80's all the way through the 90's. Working under these programmers - watching...soaking up programming philosophies like a sponge.  Professionally - this was the most exciting & fulfilling time of my life.  Now, these "hands on" radio people I looked up to, all believed the same thing - "Radio Isn't Brain Surgery".  The goal is simple, actually - Get alot of people to listen to your radio station - and then make 'em listen for a long time.  Period.  End of sentence.  I can tell you - that does NOT happen without having compelling on-air talent.  This is something that the radio dial is missing very badly.

Now, I will tell you that some consultants, some ratings services, & those that don't understand radio talent, will tell you different.  They begin their sentences with phrases like "Research shows us we need to talk less"......."Our data says this...".....Bullshit.  Its ALWAYS just a weak sales pitch from someone who never drew an audience by making them feel like they'd miss something if they didn't tune in. These are NEVER people that had the talent to create a "show". You want to win in Radio Broadcasting?  Simple - Program Compelling Content.  At the risk of sounding pretentious - It Ain't Brain Surgery!  While I will agree that in 2011 a person has many more choices than we had in the early 80's.  With Facebook - TMZ - CNN - Pandora - ipods - online streaming - etc... We all have many more choices than the radio to entertain us.  But what radio stations have become - is lazy jukeboxes - a bad version of your ipod.  That ain't gonna keep listeners tuned in long. 

People tune into a radio station with some kind of content that they are familiar with - usually the format of the music.  Ya know what KEEPS them there? It's what happens between the songs.  The dude on the air.  If the personality sucks - you won't stay long.  If the person on the air creates something you enjoy - you will stay as long as you can - and when you choose to tune into the radio again - you will most likely go back to the same station.

TV works the same.  Do you have favorite TV shows?  Shows that you try and plan to watch the new episode each week?  That's because you are Compelled to watch.  The network did their job well.  Made you want to come back.  Just like Radio programming, we know you aren't listening 24/7.  What a good programmer wants to do is give you a reason to come back to us when you can.  On TV - whether it's a comedy, or mystery, or drama - if you are compelled enough- you tune back in to the next episode.  Again - not brain surgery.

My big question is this - Why are the radio programmers of today treating radio like it's brain surgery?  Create compelling radio.  Or get out of the way.

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