Saturday, July 9, 2011


I hate failing.  I know no one really likes it, and there are times that I'm gonna do it, I've just never gotten good at accepting it.  I know failure is a great lesson on the road to success.  It's just never set good with me. Eats at my gut.  Now you're gonna fail more than you succeed, I get it.  I'm talking about failing in the important areas.  Failed marriage...failures in a relationships, etc.  I haven't dealt well with failure by those close to me either - which is the thing that makes me a failure in them.

These are areas where you don't really have much "wiggle-room" to fix.  And they're also areas that failure can be catastrophic.  We're all human, so we're fallable.  But thats really no reason to accept failing in any of these things.  You do what you think is right and when your wrong, youre the bad guy.  I'm the bad guy alot.  This means I've failed.  Marriage, Parent, brother, Son, friend, employee, leader, coach.  I've failed alot, and I hate it. 

Tomorrow is a new day.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


People have changed.

I grew up in an age without texting or wi-fi.  So many more cool things that technology has brought into peoples' lives.  Face time chatting, GPS, virtually unlimited channels on TV, cameras to show you the view behind your car, the Internet, cell phones, etc..very cool stuff.  Now, my Parents, and their Parents before them, witnessed the same kind of technology leaps in their lives as well.  I guess that's just the evolution of technology.

What gets me is that with all these changes in our "stuff", why haven't the "people" changed for the better?  When I was a kid, "please" and "thank you" were things that came out of your mouth faster than todays' teen can send a text.  Manners aren't exactly extinct or anything - I mean there are some Parents who have passed manners on to their children.  But it sure ain't like it used to be.  Take care of "me" first attitude....Screw you - I'm going before different from the way I grew up. Nowadays you get such a strange look from someone simply for holding a door open for them. 

Driving is way different as well.  Part of my job involves driving.  I see people being idiots every day.  Changing lanes without looking,  being an "offensive" driver, rather than a "defensive" one.  It just kills me when someone cuts you off, and turns their head the other way, like you will think they didn't see you.  That just burns me.  Like its some sense of "entitlement" they have or something.  I guess the technology of having mounted guns on cars better wait until after I'm gone!

Then again it's not just behavior behind the wheel that has changed.  It's in the grocery.  At the bank.  Hell, even at the park.  Like it's some kind of "Hey, I'm before you" kind of thing.  What the Hell happened?

That's just not how I was raised.  Not how I tried to raise my kids.  Not how I hope my kids will raise theirs.  Technology has given us so many positive things to add to our lives. - When will "people" evolve like technology has?